About Us
Meet your hosts Graham and Alison
Graham built the cabin in its wonderful private location in this ancient orchard as it was always his go-to place when he needed a think. With his work, Graham has visited some of the most remote places and cultures in the world but it was always this view of the sunset from the old orchard and the views across towards Glastonbury Tor and Avalon where he has found his peace – this has been his sanctuary where the world seems so much simpler and more sensible.
The farmland and orchards in this valley have probably seen little change since King Alfred the Great sought refuge here from the Vikings in 890. Graham and Alison wanted to share this with others to enjoy and find their own sanctuary that’s where the idea of a cabin started!
Wildlife & the environment
There is a host of wildlife. From the resident little owls to deer at first light, swallows sweeping over the meadows, acrobatic bats at dusk and the occasional badger find solitude and restoration in this natural wilderness.
The pond has moorhens, ducks and occasionally a predatory Heron. There are frogs, toads and the occasional grass snake if you are quiet and lucky enough. They have horses in the fields and cows and sheep graze in the fields around the orchard.
Graham is a tree lover through and through, so he continues to plant trees where possible and create more spaces for natural wildlife to thrive.